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About Us

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

The Louisiana Recreation and Park Association, an affiliate of the National Recreation and Park Association, was established in October 1945 at the Bently Hotel in Alexandria. The organization was initially known as the Louisiana Recreation Executive Association. It became the Louisiana Recreation and Park Association in 1958.


Throughout LRPA’s history, the Association has been dedicated to improving recreation and park facilities, programs, and personnel. Its objectives are to serve as a functioning network for uniting those persons who are engaged in the fields of recreation, parks, and leisure services; to foster and maintain high standards of professionalism; to stimulate and promote interest in and support of recreation and/or park preservation, and the development of the State’s recreational resources; to serve as the mechanism for exchanging information on all matters on our profession; to cooperate with the National Recreation and Park Association and other public and private recreation oriented agencies; and to protect the interests of park, recreation and leisure workers in situations where professional interests are involved.


LRPA has grown from its original 6 members to 265 active members today. Most municipal and parish park and recreation programs have representative membership in the association. The organization is divided into 5 regions throughout the state. Each region has a regional representative who serves as a board of directors voting member, assuring all members the opportunity for an equal voice in the association’s activities.


LRPA services include a quarterly newsletter, an annual conference, professional training workshops, professional certification, and a website ( with up-to-date information about the organization and professional issues, including an updated membership roster.


In addition to these membership services, LRPA provides park, recreation,, and leisure service professionals with the opportunity to gain leadership training and experience. The association also offers many opportunities for these leaders to serve in regional and national offices throughout their careers. In other words, LRPA is an organization that allows professionals to shape their own future while helping shape the future of the park and recreation profession.

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Meet The Board

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Tisha Smith


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Randy Albarez

Financial Officer

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Duane Fortet

District 1 Chair

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Grant Stafford

District 4 Chair

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Katrina Ward


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Robert Johnson

Communications Officer

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Jamison Abshire

District 2 Chair

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Robert E. Johnson

Disitrict 5 Chair

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Amie Hebert

Immediate Past President

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Andrea Roberts

Legislative Chair

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Tonya Smith

District 3 Chair

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Cattina WIlliams

District 6 Chair


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